Monday, February 2, 2009

Do you crave energy and want to feel good???Of course, everyone wants to feel and look good, but how many of us actually equate this feeling to the delicate balance of brain chemistry? Recent studies are uncovering the secrets of focus, energy, and being "full of life". This is not so mysterious as you might think, but it has been sorely overlooked!

Dr. Daniel Amen, a renowned neuro-psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of ADD,Autism, and Depressions, lays out his thoughts about what each person can do to minimize the signs of such brain disturbances naturally.Of course, he does believe that traditional medication has its place in certain cases, but the amounts could be seriously modified through simple means.

An example of this is laid out in Dr. Amen's research text titled "The Magnificent Mind" which explores different treatments for ADD patients. His findings show that diets of high fiber, low refined sugars, can actually speed up the efficacy of prescribed medication through natural means. His recommendation of high quality nutritional supplements are supported in this investigative studies, to actually raise the 'dopemine" levels to correct amounts with less harsh

chemicals being introduced.

Recommendations of quality Fish Oils (Omega 3's) and increased Calcium levels will react synergistically with the prescribed drugs. Dr. Amen, in his previous books, also discusses the effectiveness of the brain imaging to uncover a specific area of the brain function. This is used

also with the treatment of some attencion deficient patients.

Another area that has shown great promise in the treatment of Autism, involves the use of

a hyperbarrack chamber and pure oxygen, which opens up the blood vessels that may have been restricted previously. These studies are beginning to also come to the forefront in traditional medicine, and should be addressed to your psysician for further information.

There are so many areas of "cutting edge research and development that are occuring quietly every year. With the enormous cost of healthcare, more and more procedures to defray these

costs should be considered by the medical insurance companies to reduce their longterm payouts as well.

In the meantime, it is up to us, as wellness conscious consumers, to be aware of what options are out there, and direct it to your doctor to see if it is appropriate for your situation. I will continue to pass along this information through my blogs, as a concerned citizen and an advocate in a

proactive wellness lifestyle. Just remember, THE QUALITY OF LIFE IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS LONGEVITY!!!!

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Live In Great Health And Vibrance!

Debbie Schneider

Authorized Distributor of Usana Health Sciences Products (#308851)


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